Sunday, July 18, 2010


Cassia Fistula – Indian laburnum “ehela’’ is a graceful tree of the family common in the dry region of Sri Lanka and India the tree is a beautiful object when in bloom, bearing pendulous racemes of yellow flowers. Suitable for semi-dry region but may also thrive in moist areas upto 2,000 feet elevation under good drainage.

Cochlosperma Religiosa –“ kinihiriya’’-a small tree,native of central India,semi –naturalised in the southern districts of Sri Lanka. A beautiful tree tree when in flowers . the flowers are bright yellow and esteemed as temple offering.the tree thrives best in moderately dry districts.

Filicium Decipiems - “Pihimbiya” “Fern-leaf tree” A medium sized or large tree, with very handsome fern-like foliage. It is a native of Sri Lanka and South India. It yields excellent reddish timber which is rather heavy and is used for making cart wheels.

Poinciana Regia - flamboyant,flame tree,golden mohur –A gorgeous tree when in full blossom,bearing long sprays of scarlet or orange flowers ;

Salmalia Malabarica - Red cotton tree –“Katu Imbul”a Very large ,upright,deciduous tree,reaching a height of 120 feet or more,native of Sri Lanka, India and is a striking sight when in bloom,bearing large bright red flowers which form a scarlet carpet on the ground for 2-3 weeks.the straight trunk is locally used for making canoes with outriggers.the wood in India is said to be used for making

1 comment:

  1. I read somewhere that couples pass through this romantic tunnel to make a wish. The myth goes that, if their love is strong and pure, the wish will come true. internet
